General info. The Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology is the only faculty in the republic that trains highly qualified chemists in the specialty 0500.1 Chemistry that is part of the general field of study 050 Chemical Sciences. The study programme of this specialty, totaling 180 of credits within 3 years of study, includes compulsory, optional, modular and specialist core courses. Mandatory courses aim at preparing future specialists in various fields of chemistry and contribute to basic training in the major field, as well as choosing and carrying out specialization in Cycle II. Optional courses allow the extension of professional training in line with the interests of future specialists in the field. A special contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists in chemistry is given by specialized courses: Physico-chemical methods of analysis, Computational chemistry, Chemistry of Macromolecular compounds, Heterocyclic compounds, Colloidal systems, etc. Each course is accompanied by training in the practical field through appropriate laboratory work. The general, socio-human and personal training is complemented by foreign language courses, mathematics, information technologies, philosophy, etc.
The aim of the program is to train chemists able to conduct synthesis and qualitative anf quantitative analysis of materials with useful properties; to determine the composition, structure and relationship between them and the property of the substances; to propose recommendations for obtaining advanced materials with higher physical and chemical properties.
The title conferred upon graduating Licentiate (Bachelor’s degree) in chemical sciences. Graduates of Cycle I are awarded a Bachelor’s diploma.
Admission is based on baccalaureate (high school) diploma, secondary (college) and higher education or bachelor’s degree studies. The Faculty ensures the training of specialists according to the provisions of the Bologna Process with the application of the Transferable Academic Credits System, which ensures an international recognition of the official documents academic mobility of students.
The Cycle I qualification (licentiate in chemical sciences (equivalent to Bachelorțs degree)) is offered to graduate students who have completed the study program and have passed the final assessment (including the final exam) at least with the grade “5”.
Competencies gained upon completion of the study program are:
- Appropriate use of theories, principles, essential chemistry-related methods.
- Synthesis, evaluation and interpretation of data in the field of inorganic, analytical, organic and physical chemistry.
- Determination of correlation composition – structure – properties of chemical compounds.
- Collecting, evaluating, interpreting and analyzing information and chemical data to solve new theoretical and practical problems in the field of chemistry.
- Guidance on laboratory processes, use of appropriate methods, tools, equipment and technologies for determining and monitoring physico-chemical properties of substances.
Holders of the Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry are required on the labor market as chemists in various structures of the chemical industry; in laboratories for synthesis and quality control of chemicals, food and alcoholic products; researchers in different scientific centers. In case of accomplishing psycho-pedagogical module, the graduates can work as chemistry teaches in secondary education institutions (gymnasium, lyceum, vocational). Additionally, the qualification offers the opportunity to continue studies at Cycle II – Master’s degree.
- F01O001 BazeChimAnorg
- F01O002 Chimia nemetalelor
- F01O003 Chimie organică_I
- F02O008 Chimia metalelor
- F02O009ChimCompCoord
- F02O010 Chimie organica II
- F03O019 Introducere in chimia analitica
- F03O020 ChimieFizica_I
- F03O021 ChimiaCompusi naturali
- F03O022 Chimia analitica calitativa
- F04O030 Chimie computationala
- G06O048 Etica profesionala
- S02O011 RGRC_OU
- S02O012 Istoria chimiei
- S03O023 Cristalochimie
- S04A031 Analiza cantitativa
- S04A032 Controlul_analitic
- S04O033 Cataliza si catalizatori
- S04O034 Investigatii bibliografice
- S04O035 Compuși heterociclici
- S04O036 Chimie Fizica_II_ Cinetica Chimica
- S05A044 Chimie coloidala S05A046 Met_Instr_An
- S05O039 MFC Chimie
- S05O047 Chim comp macromolec
- S06A049 Chimie fizica IV. Bazele Electrochimiei
- S06A052 Magnetochimie, IR, analiza termica