General info. Up to now, the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology has remained the only faculty in the republic that trains highly qualified chemists. The faculty is carrying extencive scientific research in the field of chemistry, including those related to the strategic directions: biomedicine, pharmaceutical, maintaining and strengthening health.

Specialty 0500.2 Biopharmaceutical Chemistry falls under the field of professional training 0500 Chemistry within the general field of study 050 Chemical Sciences. The planned education programme of this specialty, totaling 180 credits, spreads over 3 years of study, includes mandatory, optional, modular and specialty courses. Mandatory courses aim at preparing future specialists in various fields of chemistry, contributing to the preparation of foundation for deepening in the field of vocational training, the completion of the bachelor thesis, as well as the selection and realization of the specialization in the second cycle. Optional courses allow the extension of professional training in line with the interests of future specialists in the field. A special contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists in biopharmaceutical chemistry makes the special courses: Biochemistry, Chemistry of Natural Products, Bioorganic and Medical Chemistry, Colloidal Systems in Biological Processes, Transformation of Drugs in Human Body, Toxicology etc. Each course is accompanied by practical training. The general, socio-human and personal training is complemented by foreign language courses, mathematics, information technologies, philosophy, etc.

The aim of the program is to train specialists in the field of biopharmaceutical chemistry capable of conducting synthesis and analysis of biologically active substances with anticancer, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties; to determine composition, structure and relationship between them and biological activity of medicinal compounds; to propose recommendations for obtaining pharmaceutical products with enhanced activity.

The title conferred upon graduating Licentiate (Bachelor’s degree) in chemical sciences. Graduates of Cycle I are awarded a Bachelor’s diploma.

Admission is based on baccalaureate (high school) diploma, secondary (college) and higher education or bachelor’s degree studies. The Faculty ensures the training of specialists according to the provisions of the Bologna Process with the application of the Transferable Academic Credits System, which ensures an international recognition of the official documents academic mobility of students.

The Cycle I qualification (licentiate in chemical sciences (equivalent to Bachelorțs degree)) is offered to graduate students who have completed the study program and have passed the final assessment (including the final exam) at least with the grade “5”.

Competencies gained upon completion of the study program are:

  • Proper use of the theories, principles, and essential methods related to the field of biopharmaceutical chemistry.
  • Analysis, evaluation and interpretation of data in the field of bioanorganic, analytical, bioorganic and natural compounds chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacognosis and toxicology.
  • Synthesis, composition determination and physico-chemical study of medicinal products including their quality control and toxicity by using appropriate methods, tools, equipment and technologies.
  • Establishing the correlation between the biological/pharmacological and toxicological properties of the chemical combinations and their composition and structure.
  • Collecting, evaluating, interpreting and applying scientific data to solve new theoretical and practical problems in the field of biopharmaceutical chemistry.

Holders of the bachelor’s degree in Biopharmaceutical Chemistry can work as chemists in various structures of chemical and pharmaceutical industries; as specialists in laboratories for synthesis and quality control of medicinal, food and alcoholic products; as researchers in different scientific centers. Additionally, the qualification offers the possibility to continue studies at Cycle II – Master’s degree.

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