Although the chemical industry in Moldova is less developed, the cosmetic and medical industry is growing steadily. The development of this industry lies not only in providing affordable and effective cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, but also in the elaboration of advanced technologies and their transfer from laboratory to industrial scale.

The aime of Cosmetic and Medicinal Products Technology program consists in the formation of highly qualified staff acording to national qualifications and the labour market needs for general field 071 Industrial chemical technology.

Industrial chemical technology is an interdisciplinary science including laws from different disciplines. Compared to other professional training, the chemist-technologist program can be considered of high level only if the theoretical courses is accompanied by practical ones.

Until today, the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology at Moldova State University remains the only one in the republic of Moldova which prepare highly qualified chemists in 0711.3 Cosmetic and medicinal products technology.

The program aims to develop professional skills in the exploration of new raw materials and energy sources, production by synthetic means of various materials for national economy, waste processing, optimization and development of new technologies.

The graduates of 0711.3 Cosmetic and medicinal products technology program can work as a chemists, technologists and technicians in various fields regarding cosmetic and medicinal production industry, as well as in different scientific centers, analysis laboratories, and so on.

For the admission to the faculty is required the baccalaureate diploma, college, higher or bachelor’s degree. The Faculty ensures the quality of specialists training according the Bologna Process with Academic Credit Transfer System, which ensures the international recognition of academic performance and student mobility.

The first cycle qualification (licensed in engineering and engineering activities) is offered to graduate students that successfully completed their study programme and passed all the exams included the Bachelor’s one, with a mark of at least “5”.

Upon completion of the training program, the graduate holds the following professional skills.

Professional skills

  • Identify the interdisciplinary connection physics – mathematics – chemistry – chemical technology – environmental protection.
  • Highlight correlations between composition – structure – properties – use of chemicals.
  • Description and analysis of the main technological processes and the specific equipment.
  • Explanation of chemical reactions and their mechanisms in technological processes.
  • Monitoring of technological processes by observation and measurement.
  • Apply methods of analyzing and quality control for obtained chemicals.
  • Selection of appropriate methods for solving new theoretical and practical problems in various industries (chemical, food, pharmaceutical, etc.).
  • Calculation of material and energy balance in technological process.
  • Applying strategies of efficient and responsible work, of punctuality, seriousness and personal responsibility.


Plan_TPCM (FR)_2020-2025


S05O036_Tehnologia chimica organica

S05O037_Metode fizice de cercetare

S06A143_Tehnologia produselor cosmetice

S06A145_Tehnologia produselor medicinale


S06O049_Obtinerea sintetica si semisintetica a princiipilor active

S07A152_Tratarea statistica a rezultatelor

S07A153_Biofarmacia și Farmacocinetica

S07A153_Controlul calitatii produselor cosmetice

S07A153_Protectia anticoroziva

S07A158_ Controlul calitatii produselor medicinale

S07O050_Legislatia farmaceutica si cosmetica

Stagii de practica

U05A155_Economia producerii industriale durabile

F01O002_Chimia compusilor naturali

F01O003_Tehnica_experimentului chimic

F02O008_Chimie analitica

F02O009_Chimia elementelor cu aplicatii in bioanorganica

F02O010_Operatii_unitare_Invest stiintifice

F02O011 Farmacognozie

F03O018_Metode fizico-chimice de analiza

F03O019_Bazele termodinamicii si cineticii chimice

F03O020_Procese si aparate


G06O042_Etica profesionala

S03O021_Chimie farmaceutica I 

S04A131_Chimia cosmetica

S04O030_Chimie farmaceutica II

S04O033_ Tehnologia chimica anorganica

S05A140_Chimie ecologica

S05O035_Inginerie biochimica



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